Sunday 19 February 2012

The apocalypse is nigh and you have been tasked with creating a new world order. Choose four people to help you do this and tell us why have you chosen them?

Firstly I need an inventor, somebody good at making things, capable of creating whatever will be needed. My man for the job would be Harry John Lawson, inventor of the saftey bicycle (the first ‘normal’ bike). You just need to look at the difference between the saftey and the penny farthing to see the advances he is capable of.

Next: an explorer- somebody who isn’t scared of finding (or refinding) new things. How about Captain Cook? He was fearless, inteligent and resourceful- just the type of guy I’d need around.

Next up is a good leader- somebody inspiring. Lance Armstrong: strong, charitable, and never gives up. That’s just the sort of leader that I’d need. Plus he can ride about on the bike that Harry just (re)invented.
Lastly I need a moral advisor. It will be easy for me to get my head stuck in the clouds what with creating a new world order and all. Attikus Finch, that fine gentleman from To Kill a Mockingbird has a moral compass like no other, he taught me to be fair, not to harm things which don’t harm others and to walk about in other people’s shoes. A pretty handy helper I’d say.

Now, some might complain: most of these people are dead, one isn’t even real. To you I say this: this is the apocalypse, lots of slightly odd things are going on- a couple more people coming back to life is just the tip of the iceburg!