Thursday, 8 March 2012

Is advertising simply a superficial exercise in making people buy something they don’t actually need?

Everybody knows Listerine.
A few people know it was used as floor cleaner and a cure for gonorrhoea before it hit it off big as mouth wash.
Listerine offered a cure for halitosis.
Nobody had heard of halitosis.
But suddenly everybody had it.
They wanted a cure and Listerine offered it.
So surely Listerine created an artificial need?
Of course not.
Listerine did not invent bad breath- they named it.
Bad breath has always been about.
They found a solution.

This is what most advertising does:
identify a problem and solve it.
Of course, there is some advertising which creates a superficial need.
There is advertising which simply panders to an existing need.
And there is advertising which informs.
But the best advertising spots a problem, and solves it.

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